Tuesday, May 21, 2013

10 Tips to Brand your Business on Twitter.

Twitter is a social media and micro-blogging site where you send out short 'tweets' to all of your followers. With over 65 million tweets going out every day among its 160+ million users, your business needs to be there. Here are 10 ways to use Twitter to brand your business.

1. Follow the Experts
Find experts in your field and follow their tweets. This shows your followers that you know what's going on in your industry and you can also learn how to market yourself on Twitter by watching what they do.

2. Be a Subscriber
Don't just subscribe to the experts, but also to anyone that's active in your industry. Twitter is the only social media site where users often follow more than they're followed. Follow lots of people and comment on their tweets.

3. Mark Favorites
When you find a tweet that you'd like to save for later, you can mark it as one of your favorites by clicking on the little star. Your followers can see your favorites listed on your profile. Your favorites list shows everyone a bit about who you are.

4. Ask Questions
Get discussions going on Twitter by asking questions. They don't have to be anything earth-shattering but can be about anything. Just throw them out there and let your followers respond. You not only get some activity going, but also learn valuable information about how your target market thinks.

5. Comment on Links
When you like something you see online, you can tweet it. It gives you the option to comment on your links and you should always do this. Just sharing without saying anything about it doesn't do anything for your branding; it only directs people to the link.

6. Make it Personal
People want to know about your brand but also they like to learn about you. Sometimes, it's good to tweet something purely personal as long as you don't do this too often. Twitter users love these tweets and they'll show the human side of your brand.

7. Post Pictures
You can post pictures on Twitter and you should be doing this often. Choose pictures that are related to your brand and take your own photos showcasing your goods, your employees or the way your business works.

8. Value and Relevance
Whenever you get ready to post something, ask yourself these two questions: Is it relevant to my brand? Does it provide value to my followers? There are lots of tweets that don't deliver either relevance or value, so make sure yours do.

9. Don't Self-Promote (Too Much)
Once in a while, it's alright to show off your products and services, but don't be the type of user who shares it every time something good is said about your brand anywhere online. Focus on benefitting your users and not yourself.

10. Make the Most of Your Characters
Since Twitter only allows you 140 characters on less in your tweet, you need to learn the art of concise writing. Check out magazine and newspaper headlines to see just how much you can pack into one short sentence. And make sure you use a url shortener so that you donít waste precious characters.

The most important thing to remember is that Twitter is supposed to be enjoyable. While you should be professional and realize that everything you do reflects on your brand, whenever possible offer something that's just plain fun. Show your sense of humor and be personable. Twitter is all about human interaction and that's what Twitter users want to see.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Reasons YOUR Business should be on Social Media.

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Use Social Media to Promote Your Brand

Social media sites are networks where people interact with each other through personal profiles. They use them to hang out, keep in touch with friends, share interests, network and even find jobs. For your business, it's not a question of if but when you should start using them. Your business needs to be social and here are the 10 reasons why.

1. Everybody's There Already
Social media sites have hundreds of millions of users and a handful of them are among the most visited websites on earth. A large number of users check their profiles daily to see what's going on and they're growing in leaps and bounds. If you're there, you can be in daily contact with them.

2. Excellent Branding Opportunities
These sites put you in direct communication with your customers and there's simply nothing better for branding your business. Your customers can have a personal dialog with you.

3. Listening Stations
Social media also offer wonderful market research opportunities. Message boards, updates, groups and reviews allow you to find out exactly what your target market likes and doesn't like. You can use these resources to get to know them and better create products and campaigns.

4. Lead Generation
You can use social media sites to get more customers. People will see your posts and hear about you from their friends. Plus, you get global reach 24/7 not only to your fans, but to their fans, and their fans, and their fansÖ

5. SEO Benefits
Profiles, updates and other social media content appear in search engine results pages and often rank quite high up. This is one of the biggest ways that people will find your profile. You also get backlinks coming into your site from your social media content.

6. The Personal Touch
Your social media presence and interactions with your fan base give your business a personal touch. That's what so many companies are lacking today. People like to know who they're buying from.

7. Easy Promotion
Social media sites offer the easiest way to reach everybody who might be interested in your sales and promotions. With one update, everyone you're connected to knows instantly when you have a special offer.

8. Rewarding Customer Loyalty
You can use social media sites to reward your fans' loyalty by offering exclusive discounts and freebies that are only available to them.

9. A Ready-Made Platform
There's no need to create a new website when you can simply make a profile. On most of these the social media sites, it takes only minutes to sign up and get started. Not only is it easy, but you also get the built-in SEO benefits of using their already popular website.

10. It's Free
You get advertising, marketing and branding tools at your fingertips without paying a dime for them. Social media networking is a dream come true for businesses.

Before you get started, it's important to have clear goals. What do you want to do with your social media presence? What action do you want your fans to take? Stay focused on these goals and devote some time each day to building your social media presence.